I began selling my art in ACEO (Art Cards, Editions & Originals) format a couple of years ago on ebay. ACEO's are the standard size of trading cards which are 2.5" X 3.5". These small works of art are highly collectible in the art world. All you have to do is type in the acronym and find thousands of artists currently selling these tiny treasures. From drawings, to paintings, mixed media, altered art, fabric collages, the list goes on and on.

I just recently created these two fantasy ACEO's. I forgot how fun & relaxing it could be to work on such a smaller scale. I started out with a pencil sketch on 140 lb watercolor paper. I then used ink, watercolor, metallic, & acrylic paints. The metallic paints create a soft shimmer that is not visible in the scanning process. It does look very magical in person.