now but life sometimes just wont give me the time. For most
of the month I've been diving into some crafty spring
cleaning. I thought it would be quick and simple but boy was
I wrong. Organizing individual things from papers, fabrics,
paints, fibers, embellishments, you name it... wasn't that
bad, but finding the perfect spots to place everything became
my dilemma.
How did my art supplies grow like that? (Mental Note: Must
stay away from craft stores) I had to get more shelving units,
storage bins and trays to make it all happen. Labeling this
and that just to make it all easier for me. It also seems
like we've been moving more furniture around lately than
supplies. I finally have it almost the way I want it but I
know it will still be an on-going work in process.
It doesn't help that my work area keeps getting messy
due to the fact that I can't stop myself from creating as
this cleaning process goes on and on. What's a girl to do?
I know I can't be the only one, right? When your muse
inspires you to paint/ just gotta! :)

As you can see, I couldn't stay away from playing with
canvas flowers again too.

canvas. Adding layers upon layers of paint, then sanding and
distressing for the primitive appearance I like. I used
3D paint for the stems. I always enjoy feeling all the textures.

first place. And just by chance, it was happening to my
art supplies too.

Happy Blogging and Creative Blessings to you!
Lisa :)